
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bruhs, Studs, Bros: Educate us... We want to know!

So, I've engaged in conversations with many friends.  Some friends are feminine and others, not so much.  At any rate, we are all women who love women.  With that being said, it brings me to this question:

For my sista's who consider themselves studs, bruhs, bros, etc... - the women who are more non-feminine than their mates - is it taboo/off limits/out of the question - to have your woman touch you and please you as you do her?

This question by no means is intended to disrespect anyone, so please do not take it that way.  Educate your fellow sistas, please!  I mean, everyone wants to please and be please, right?  So if you're pleasing, does your pleasure comes from giving ALL OF THE TIME?  How does your mate fulfill her desire to please?

Now before folks start laughing, raising their eyebrows, or feeling some kind of way in their chest, hear me out... I, well excuse me, me and a lot of other folks sincerely want to know the answer to this question. Help those of us whose relationships are 50/50 in every aspect understand your logic or position on this matter.